KS2 activity plan collection

Dive into the water cycle
Topic plan
Dive into the water cycle
Make a splash with these fantastic activity ideas derived from 'The water cycle song'
Explore the mechanics of nature
Topic plan
Explore the mechanics of nature
A unit of work built around 'The land of cogs and wheels' from the Song Bank
Enjoy the natural world
Topic plan
Enjoy the natural world
Encourage learning and discovery out in the fresh air where there's much to sing about
Macbeth doth come!
Topic plan
Macbeth doth come!
Celebrate the bard with these cross-curricular activities
KS2 are chocoholics
Topic plan
KS2 are chocoholics
Treat yourselves to a week of STEM activities with the song 'Chocoholics'
Sizing up the Stone Age
Activity plan
Sizing up the Stone Age
Discover the epic scale and everyday challenges of the Stone Age
Colour chaos
Activity plan
Colour chaos
Discover the joys of the spectrum when you let loose with colour
Be cool in KS2
Topic plan
Be cool in KS2
Get your pupils into the eco-mood with this jazzy number, just in time for Earth Day in April
Rockin' rockpools
Topic plan
Rockin' rockpools
Dive into a miniature marine world and explore what lies beneath
On the beach with KS2
Topic plan
On the beach with KS2
Focus your pupils' longing for the holidays to begin with this easy, breezy summery tune
Deeds not words
Topic plan
Deeds not words
Explore how democracy works
Feelin' good in KS2
Topic plan
Feelin' good in KS2
Focussing on KS2 pupils with low self-esteem
Robotic reel
Topic plan
Robotic reel
Have fun exploring, creating and imagining your own friendly robots
All roads lead to Rome and back again
Topic plan
All roads lead to Rome and back again
Celebrating the Romans and their vast legacy in Great Britain
KS2 are rising up!
Activity plan
KS2 are rising up!
Inspire terrific stories and develop resilience with the powerful song 'Eye of the tiger'
Have a blast with volcanoes
Topic plan
Have a blast with volcanoes
Explore the fiery world of one of the earth's greatest physical wonders - the volcano!
Meet the Maya
Activity plan
Meet the Maya
Explore the rich Mayan civilisation with a wealth of cross-curricular activities
All aboard with KS2
Topic plan
All aboard with KS2
Children will be transported from the Sahara to the Artic with the song, 'The magic travel machine'
Words are ours
Activity plan
Words are ours
Banish pens and unleash a ‘Wordfest’ to develop verbal communication skills
Songwriting for primary schools
Activity plan
Songwriting for primary schools
Demystify songwriting and unleash your pupils' creativity
Hear it, draw it, perform it!
Activity plan
Hear it, draw it, perform it!
Explore the fascinating connections between visual art and musical sounds
Open the door to opera and make it snappy
Activity plan
Open the door to opera and make it snappy
This project explores the elements of opera through an extract from Snappy Opera, 'The Magical Music Tree'
KS2 are the champions
Topic plan
KS2 are the champions
Use this ultimate anthem to launch your Olympic-themed cross-curricular work this term
All aboard spaceship Earth
Topic plan
All aboard spaceship Earth
Discover the amazing mysteries of our solar system
Si, si, Español en KS2
Topic plan
Si, si, Español en KS2
Cross-curricular activities based around the popular Mexican song
Get spacey with KS2
Topic plan
Get spacey with KS2
Use a song that's 'out of this world' in this cross-curricular unit of work
Better than 'Ten green bottles'
Activity plan
Better than 'Ten green bottles'
Fun activities coupling singing and Maths
Topic plan
A KS2 topic-based activity plan on the Romans
Topic plan
A KS2 topic-based activity plan on ourselves
Journeys and transport
Topic plan
Journeys and transport
A KS2 topic-based activity plan on Journeys and transport
Topic plan
A KS2 topic-based activity plan on food
Topic plan
A KS2 topic-based activity plan on the environment
Topic plan
A KS2 topic-based activity plan on celebrations
Lesson plan
A Year 3 Maths lesson plan written by Andy Brooke
Fruity sculptures
Lesson plan
Fruity sculptures
A Year 3 & 4 Art lesson plan written by CURRICULART
I turn on the tap / I walk to the stream
Activity plan
I turn on the tap / I walk to the stream
A Year 5 & 6 Geography lesson plan written by Simon Bradshaw & Chris England
I will be your friend
Lesson plan
I will be your friend
A Year 3 & 5 English lesson plan written by Andrew Brooke
How can I keep from singing?
Lesson plan
How can I keep from singing?
A Year 6 RE lesson plan written by Anne James
Ain't no mountain high enough
Lesson plan
Ain't no mountain high enough
A Year 5 PSHE lesson plan written by Martyn Soulsby
We're all in this together
Topic plan
We're all in this together
A Year 6 ICT lesson plan written by Martyn Soulsby