Gerad Logan, Music Specialist and Coordinator at Eldon Primary School, sent us in the video below of his pupils singing the magical, The snow is falling. Upon viewing, we realised we had stumbled upon a music educator whose passion for music shone through in the voices of his pupils. Find out more about Gerad's top tips, advice and favourite resources.
What impact has singing had on your whole school community?
Singing is that moment in a day that unifies a class, a year group, the school. Singing as one, as a team in harmony, there isn't a better feeling and I feel there is no other subject that has this impact on the children.
What do you think singing brings to school life?
"I don't sing because I'm happy, I'm happy because I sing" is a slogan I find fitting. Through the imperfections and perfections, singing provokes a smile and a chime of laughter. It lifts school morale and gives the children a respite in the day to feel at ease and creative. The children's singing journey from Year 3 to Year 6 allows them to feel encouraged in what they can achieve and instils some fundamental disciplines important for their personal, social and future professional development.
How do you create singing opportunities in your school?
We have all year singing for each year group, music club slots during the day for small groups and therapy sessions for those with special needs, and of course, there is singing in all music lessons!
What tips do you have for getting other teachers involved?
Teachers get the perfect opportunity to observe all your sessions, so being open to listen and ask them for their ideas and thoughts on song choice, or managing behaviour allows them to feel involved and connected. This helps them to feel included and it is essential to the children's vocal development and fulfillment. It adds a beat to their step!
What are your favourite songs?
The Sing Up classic, Good to be me, KS1 especially love that song with the actions. The snow is falling was challenging yet extremely rewarding once the children executed their performance. Finally, KS2 and I can't get enough of Let's start to sing. Saying that, One and a million could be a new best seller!
What are your favourite resources and why?
I encourage good warm-ups before singing. It gets the children and adults engaged, pumped and ready to sing happily.
We want to hear from you too!
Do you have a video of your pupils (or teachers!) singing a Song Bank song? We want to hear from you! Send us your videos to [email protected] and tell us a little about yourself and your school!
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